Preparation Bariatric Surgery

Preparation Bariatric Surgery

The first step in your bariatric surgery journey is determining your eligibility and selecting a specific procedure. Your healthcare provider will consider bariatric surgery requirements including your BMI and medical history to confirm eligibility, and will go over surgical options based on your health goals and individual situation.  

Once you and your medical team have decided that bariatric surgery is right for you, it’s important to take time to prepare before your procedure. Weight loss surgery comes with significant lifestyle adjustments, and understanding their impact on everyday life is key to setting yourself up for long-term success. 

Tips for Bariatric Surgery Preparation 

Bariatric surgery changes how your digestive system functions and how your body processes food. This is a major adjustment that will significantly impact your daily life. Preparing for the surgery, recovery, and lifestyle changes is essential to make sure you’re ready for each step of your bariatric journey. These tips can help you get started: 

Create a Pre-Surgery Checklist 

Preparing for your bariatric procedure can be overwhelming. It can be helpful to start with putting together a pre-surgery checklist to help you take care of all of the important details. Examples of key tasks to include are: 

  • Get Insurance Approval – Make sure you check with your insurance provider to verify that your preferred surgeon is in-network and find out about coverage for your specific procedure. You should also inquire about coverage for follow-up appointments with your surgeon as well as other clinic staff such as nutritionists and therapists.  
  • Complete Testing – Before you have any surgical procedure, you will often have to complete certain required testing. For bariatric surgeries, this often includes bloodwork, an EKG, and a physical. Your provider will let you know what specific tests are required. 
  • Finalize Logistics – Secure a support system to help you with your recovery. You will need someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least a week after your procedure. You should also plan to take at least 4-6 weeks off from work. If you have children, additional help will likely be needed to care for them. 
  • Follow Preoperative Guidelines – Plan to follow the specific preoperative guidelines laid out by your surgeon. This may include avoiding certain medications like aspirin or ibuprofen in the week leading up to your procedure, and avoiding any food or drink for 12 hours or more before your surgery. 

Outline Your Recovery 

Once your procedure has been completed, there will be a long road to recovery. The best way to prepare for this is to break it up into different phases and note what changes you can expect during each portion of your recovery. For example, your post-surgery diet will typically begin with a clear liquid diet for the first two weeks before eventually progressing to pureed or soft foods weeks and months down the line. Your surgeon and healthcare team can let you know what to expect based on your particular procedure and medical situation. 

Plan a Fitness Routine 

Bariatric patients who see the most success are those who pair the procedure with comprehensive lifestyle adjustments. This includes maintaining a regular exercise routine. Planning out a fitness regimen beforehand is a great way to be prepared for your exercise efforts post-recovery. Experts often recommend getting started with regular workouts before your procedure to kickstart your fitness journey and to get yourself in the habit of exercising.  

Consult with Your Bariatric Team 

Whether you have questions about specific bariatric surgery guidelines, nutritional requirements, or when you can start exercising after surgery, it’s a good idea to ask them before your procedure. Come up with a list of all of your questions and concerns and bring it with you to your pre-surgery consultations. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be for recovery. Reach out to the experts at Wellstar Bariatrics to set up an appointment for a consultation today.

Exercise and Fitness After Bariatric Surgery

Exercise and Fitness After Bariatric Surgery

It’s no surprise that exercising more is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions, but it is often abandoned. Regular workouts come with many benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, and gains in muscle strength, sleep quality, and stress relief. Consistent exercise can also help manage weight, and is a valuable tool for bariatric patients. In fact, committing to an exercise routine is one of the most important post-recovery lifestyle adjustments bariatric patients can make. 

Tips for Bariatric Exercise and Fitness 

Bariatric surgery isn’t intended to work on its own. It’s most successful when followed up with healthy habits such as dietary changes and regular exercise. Brushing up on tips for bariatric exercise and fitness can help you get the most out of your bariatric procedure and see major improvements in your overall health. Tips for bariatric exercise planning include: 

Recover First 

It’s essential not to jump right into a high-intensity exercise routine as soon as you get home from your bariatric surgery procedure. Your body needs time to heal before you can get started with regular workouts. That doesn’t mean you can’t move your body at all as you start your recovery. You should consult your healthcare provider for specific guidance, but patients are often advised to walk during the first four weeks of recovery. Anything more than walking should be reserved for after this first month. 

Try Different Types of Exercise 

Once your body has started to heal and your surgeon has cleared you for more intense physical activity and post-bariatric surgery exercise, the exercise planning can begin. It’s important to find workouts that are right for you. If you can find exercise that you enjoy, you’ll be more likely to want to keep doing it and maintain a fitness routine over time. Examples of exercise types to try include: 

  • Aerobic Exercise – Cardio or aerobic activities are great choices to promote heart health, burn calories, and get all of the additional benefits of exercise. There are many different types of cardio to choose from, including swimming, running, hiking, cycling, and kickboxing.  
  • Resistance Training – Strength or resistance training sessions are vital for building muscle mass, increasing muscle strength, and supporting strong, healthy bones. Examples of resistance training options include lifting weights, using resistance bands, or performing exercises that use your body weight as resistance like push-ups, squats, and sit-ups. 
  • Flexibility Workouts – Don’t forget the importance of prioritizing flexibility. That means including pre- and post-workout stretching sessions, and trying activities like yoga or tai chi that can help boost flexibility and range of motion. These kinds of workouts reduce your risk of injury and make sure you can maintain your fitness routine in the long-run. 

Stay Consistent 

If you want to see the benefits of exercise for your overall health and as a part of your weight-loss journey, you will need to consistently follow your exercise routine. To promote regular workouts, try planning to exercise at the same time each day. If you need help staying accountable, recruit a friend or family member to exercise with. You could also join a virtual or in-person fitness group that meets regularly. This can give you a sense of community and ensure you have a standing appointment to work out. 

Get Personalized Fitness Advice 

If you run into any questions or concerns along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to your bariatric healthcare team. The team at Wellstar Bariatrics is available during every step of your bariatric journey to offer personalized support based on your individual needs. Contact us today to find out more about our bariatric program.  

Keeping Your Weight Loss on Track During the Holidays

Keeping Your Weight Loss on Track During the Holidays

The holiday season can be an especially difficult time of year for bariatric patients. Bariatric surgery is most successful when paired with comprehensive lifestyle adjustments, including sticking to a healthy diet and maintaining a regular fitness routine. Between holiday meals, festive celebrations, and a busy schedule, eating right and staying active can be challenging during the winter months. Fortunately, there are several weight loss tips you can adopt to help you continue to make progress toward your goals during the holidays.  

Get Creative with Your Fitness Plans 

If performing your typical exercise routine isn’t feasible during the busy holiday season, get creative with your workout plans. Incorporate exercise into your everyday activities by skipping the elevator for the stairs, dancing to your favorite holiday music, giving your house a deep-clean, and picking a distant parking spot to increase your walking distance as you shop. You can also try participating in holiday-themed marathons or fitness events, and making plans with family members to exercise together.  

Plan Ahead 

Before you go to any holiday gathering where you know there will be food, take some time to think about how you can honor your healthy eating habits beforehand. Instead of arriving hungry and increasing your chances of overeating, eat a small amount of protein before you leave the house. Once you arrive, remember to stick to your regular portion sizes and don’t go back for seconds. Politely decline any offer to take home leftovers so you’re not tempted to fill up on holiday treats later. 

Try Out Healthy Recipes 

It’s natural to want to enjoy some holiday-inspired dishes once the holiday season arrives. A great way to satisfy these cravings is to find recipes for healthy versions of these dishes online that you can make yourself. This lets you control what ingredients you use so you can have a festive meal that meets all your dietary guidelines. There are plenty of substitutions available, such as fat-free dairy products and sugar-free sweeteners.  

Attend a Support Group 

If you’re struggling to stay motivated on your weight-loss journey during the holidays, it can be helpful to connect with others who understand what you’re going through. Try attending a local bariatric support group. You can even get advice on attending holiday gatherings and bariatric-friendly recipes from fellow support group members.  

Stay Mindful 

To prevent overeating, try to follow mindful eating and listen to what your body is telling you. Only eat if you are hungry and focus on the actual process of eating so you can enjoy the food on your plate. Avoid socializing near food tables or the kitchen so you’re not tempted to eat more just because the food is near you. Instead, focus on talking to guests and connecting with loved ones.  

Continue Follow-Up Care 

The holiday season isn’t an excuse to skip follow-up appointments with your bariatric team or avoid working towards your health goals. The team at Wellstar Bariatrics is here to help you year-round, and can offer personalized guidance on staying on track with holiday weight loss. Whether you need exercise advice or nutritional guidelines on weight loss during the holidays, we can help. Contact us today to learn more. 

How Alcohol Affects Your Weight Loss

How Alcohol Affects Your Weight Loss

There are several obstacles that can get in the way of your weight-loss progress. A high stress level, an unhealthy diet, a lack of motivation, alcohol consumption, and not maintaining a regular fitness routine are all factors that can derail your weight-loss journey. It’s important to understand how these issues can impact your health so you can take steps to get back on track. For example, understanding how alcohol affects weight can help you set up guidelines for alcohol intake as you move forward.  

Alcohol and Weight Loss 

In addition to eating a healthy diet packed with fresh, unprocessed foods, experts often recommend limiting alcohol intake as a tip for losing weight. The relationship between alcohol and weight loss is complex, and alcohol affects weight gain in several different ways. Here are just some of the reasons why alcohol intake should be reduced when you’re trying to lose weight: 

  • Empty Calories – One of the main ways that alcohol can cause weight gain is that it is filled with so-called ‘empty calories’. Alcoholic beverages don’t provide the body with any nutritional value and tend to be very calorie-dense. They can easily put you over your typical daily calorie intake without providing any nutritional benefit. 
  • Increases Appetite – Those empty calories don’t fill you up and can in fact increase your appetite. Alcohol can increase the chance of making unhealthy food choices by inhibiting judgment. It also lowers blood sugar, which often spurs cravings for foods packed with carbohydrates. 
  • Alters Digestion – When alcohol enters the digestive system, normal digestive processes are put on hold to focus on breaking down the alcohol and using it as an energy source. Carbohydrates and fats are unable to be digested properly. Instead of being turned into energy, they are added to the body’s fat stores. 
  • Reduces Sleep Quality – Alcohol intake can increase sleep disruptions and contribute to sleep deprivation. Research has found that poor sleep quality is associated with weight gain and an increased body mass index or BMI. 

Get Personalized Support 

It’s usually recommended that bariatric patients avoid alcohol intake following weight-loss surgery and restrict alcohol consumption after recovery. Your healthcare team can offer you specific guidance based on your medical history and individual needs. The team at Wellstar Bariatrics is available to provide personalized support during each step of your weight-loss journey, from initial consultation to follow-up appointments. Reach out today to find out how we can help. 

Am I Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

Am I Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

In certain cases, bariatric surgery can be a viable option to help achieve weight loss and support a healthy lifestyle. Depending on the specific procedure, adjustments are made that can change the form and function of the body’s digestive system. Weight loss surgery significantly changes how the body processes food, and it’s not right for everyone. There are specific criteria that need to be considered when determining eligibility for surgical weight loss to make sure it’s the right choice.  

Bariatric Surgery Eligibility Criteria 

Your healthcare provider will take into account a set of predetermined criteria when considering your eligibility for a bariatric weight loss consultation. These criteria include: 

  • BMI – One important factor for determining if bariatric surgery is right for you is your body mass index or BMI. Weight loss surgery is indicated for individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 and above alongside health issues including sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and gallbladder disease. 
  • Relative Body Weight – Your provider will also consider your current body weight in relation to your ideal, healthy weight. Patients with a body weight that is 100 pounds or 45 kilograms higher than the ideal weight are candidates for bariatric procedures. 
  • Weight Loss History – Another key factor in deciding whether surgical weight loss is recommended is getting a detailed patient history in regards to weight loss attempts. This includes information on past diets, workout routines, and other weight management techniques. If continued efforts to lose weight through traditional methods have failed in the past, weight loss surgery can be a useful next step. 
  • Co-existing Conditions – Medical history also weighs heavily in determining eligibility. There are certain health conditions that could rule out weight loss surgery, such as blood clotting disorders or conditions that make using anesthesia during surgery riskier. In addition, it’s essential to screen for the presence of uncontrolled drug or alcohol addiction or serious, untreated mental health conditions. These issues need to be controlled separately before considering weight loss surgery.  

Get an Expert Consultation 

Wellstar Bariatrics offers several bariatric surgery options, including gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, and LAP-BAND correction. The best way to find out if weight loss surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with an experienced provider. The experts at Wellstar Bariatrics are available to answer all of your questions, from whether you meet eligibility criteria to what kind of procedure would be best for you. Contact us today to set up an initial consultation or find out more about our services.  

Meal Planning and Cooking for Bariatric Patients

Meal Planning and Cooking for Bariatric Patients

Weight loss surgery is most effective when it’s combined with a series of lifestyle adjustments during and after recovery from the procedure. It’s essential to see the bariatric procedure as one part of a comprehensive plan to improve overall health. Another important part of the plan is eating a healthy diet to promote proper nutrition. Strategies including meal planning and cooking bariatric-friendly meals at home should be adopted to support these goals.  

Bariatric Meal Planning 

The best way to approach bariatric meal planning is to break up your recovery into stages. As your body heals and you get accustomed to the changes made to your digestive system, you will need to make adjustments to your diet. Here are some guidelines to plan for during each stage of post-bariatric recovery: 

  • Post-Surgery – Directly after your procedure, you will be on a liquid diet made up of light liquids such as gelatin and broth. This will continue for about a week after you leave the hospital.  
  • Second Week – As you enter the second week of recovery, you can increase the variety of liquids in your diet. Items to try adding in include protein shakes, pudding, and yogurt.  
  • Third to Fourth Weeks – Once you get to weeks three and four of recovery, you can open up your diet further by cooking foods that are high in protein at home and pureeing them before eating. By the fifth week, soft, non-fibrous vegetables can also be simply prepared and pureed at home.  
  • Sixth through Eighth Weeks – The goal of slowly adding to your diet is to eventually work your way up to eating solid foods again. During weeks six to eight after your procedure, you can eat soft foods. Try eating the same protein-rich foods as the previous step, in addition to cooked fruits and vegetables, without fully pureeing them. Solid foods can be attempted around week 9. 

Tips for Bariatric Meals 

Making adjustments to what you eat is important, but so is changing how you eat. Here are some tips for eating bariatric-friendly meals: 

  • Portion Size – Even after you have recovered and started eating solid foods again, you won’t be able to eat large amounts of food in one sitting. It’s important to limit portion size and focus on eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.  
  • Chew Well – Eat slowly and chew every bite thoroughly. This will help prevent dumping syndrome from occurring, which can result from food entering the small intestine too quickly, leading to uncomfortable symptoms including sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  
  • What to Avoid – Certain foods and substances should be avoided or limited for bariatric patients in order to promote proper recovery and support overall health. This includes foods high in sugar, fat, and carbs, alcohol, and caffeine. Drinking during meals should also be avoided. Instead, aim to consume any beverages 30 minutes before or after a meal.  

Get Personalized Dietary Advice 

Meal planning after bariatric surgery can be a major adjustment, and you will likely run into a lot of questions along the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the bariatric care team at Wellstar Bariatrics with any questions or concerns. Our providers can give you personalized nutrition advice, including tips on planning your meals and meeting your unique dietary needs. Get in touch today to find out more.  

Long-Term Exercise Tips for Bariatric Weight-Loss

Long-Term Exercise Tips for Bariatric Weight-Loss

Bariatric procedures alter the function of the digestive system to promote weight loss, but they are not a one-and-done solution for ongoing health problems. Staying healthy in the long term requires combining bariatric surgery with lifestyle adjustments such as regular exercise, a good diet, and more.

Long-Term Fitness Tips After Bariatric Surgery 

After bariatric surgery, easing into a regular post-bariatric exercise routine can help you stay heathy and keep excess weight off for good.

Establishing an effective fitness routine can be challanging, especially if you aren’t used to exercise. Starting small and testing out a variery of exercises is a great way for patients to find out what works for you without overwhelming yourself.

Vary Your Routine 

It’s hard to stick to an exercise routine that has become stale and boring. Incorporating a healthy amount of variety into your exercise plans can help avoid burnout and keep you engaged and motivated to reach your fitness goals. Switch up your routine every four to six weeks by experimenting with different types of workouts, such as cycling, water aerobics, or frisbee. 

Invest in a Home Gym 

Without a dedicated workout space, you’re less likely to stick to your post-bariatric exercise routine. If you feel self-conscious about working out at the gym or don’t want to spend time commuting to a fitness center, consider investing in a home gym so you have all the equipment you need at home, allowing you to fit in workouts at your convenience. 

You don’t need to invest in the most expensive or high-quality equipment right away, start small and stock your gym with beginner equipment, including:

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbells
  • Resistance bands
  • Weight plates
  • Kettle bells

Exercise with Others 

Staying accountable is essential for meeting your weight-loss and health goals.  Exercising with others can not only help you stick to your routine but maximize your results as well. Work out with friends or family members, join a bariatric support group, or find a fitness class so you can get the support you need to smash your own expectations.

Get Active with Everyday Tasks 

Patients who are just starting on their post-op recovery shouldn’t try to jump straight into heavy exercise. Instead, they should make small lifestyle changes to boost their everyday physical activity. For example, instead of just running the dishwasher, wash the dishes by hand, dry them, and put them away. Even patients who have transitioned to regular workouts can benefit from increasing their everyday activity. Pick a room and give it a deep clean, including dusting and vacuuming. Instead of taking the elevator at work, take the stairs, or, if you work from home, consider installing an under-the-desk treadmill.

Exercise Guidance from Wellstar Bariatrics 

Coordinating a successful bariatric recovery can be complicated and overwhelming, especially for patients that struggle with making sweeping lifestyle changes. Wellstar Bariatrics has fitness coaches and trainers on staff that can walk you through the recovery process and keep you on track for a safe and successful recovery.

Contact us today to learn more! 

What Is a Sleeve Gastrectomy and Is It Right for You?

What Is a Sleeve Gastrectomy and Is It Right for You?

The field of bariatric weight loss has grown exponentially in recent decades and today patients can pick and choose the bariatric treatments that work best for them. There are several types of bariatric weight-loss procedures, including gastric bypass, duodenal switch, and gastric sleeve surgery. Different procedures vary in how they alter the digestive tract.

The sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most common bariatric procedures available. With a success rate ranging between 80% and 90% and a particularly low chance of complications, the sleeve gastrectomy promotes weight loss by altering the size of a patient’s stomach.

What Is a Sleeve Gastrectomy?  

A sleeve gastrectomy, also referred to as gastric sleeve surgery, is a laparoscopic procedure that involves removing up to 80% of the stomach, leaving behind a small, sleeve-like (hence the name) portion about the size and shape of a banana.

Because the procedure limits the amount of food the stomach can hold, patients feel satisfied while eating less. The procedure also reduces the amount of ghrelin—often called the hunger hormone—that is produced by the body, helping patients lose weight and keep it off.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Factors to Consider 

If you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery, talk with your doctor about your unique health and lifestyle factors to find out if you meet the criteria for the procedure.


Gastric sleeve surgery is often recommended for individuals with a BMI, or body mass index, of 40 or higher who have not had success losing weight through diet and exercise alone. If you have a BMI under 40, talk to your doctor about the non-surgical steps you can take to lose weight.

Health Conditions

If you have a BMI between 35 and 39.9 and are diagnosed with obesity-related health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or GERD, a gastric sleeve surgery may help you lose weight and better manage your symptoms. Gastric sleeve surgery has been found to be particularly helpful in managing diabetes and sleep apnea, with most bariatric patients reporting significant improvement in those conditions.

Lifestyle Factors

Some patients may need to alter their lifestyle before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery. If you are a smoker, avoid smoking in the months before your procedure. In the days leading up to the surgery, you may be asked to avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and medications that can cause blood thinning. If you are unable to accommodate these requests, you will need to explore other, non-surgical weight-loss options.

After surgery, bariatric surgeons will outline a comprehensive weight loss plan for each patient, which may inclide lifestyle changes like regular exercise and changes to the patient’s regular diet.

Rely on the Team at Wellstar Bariatrics 

Researching bariatric surgeries ahead of time can help bariatric patients find the best procedure for them. However, no amount of internet research will give you the expertise of an experienced bariatric team like the one at Wellstar Bariatrics. Our providers are available to guide you on your weight-loss journey, from initial consultations to comprehensive follow-up and recovery care.

Get in touch today to find out more! 

Breaking Through Weight Plateaus: Regaining Momentum After Weight Loss Surgery

Breaking Through Weight Plateaus: Regaining Momentum After Weight Loss Surgery

After weight-loss surgery, the excess weight may fall off quickly at first, however, it’s common and normal to experience a stall in your weight-loss progress. After rapid weight loss, your body may need a period of adjustment.

There are several strategies to get yourself and your body back on track with your weight-loss journey. To safely begin losing weight again, you will need to reassess and change your daily habits.

Increase Exercise Frequency or Intensity

After weight loss, your metabolic rate slows which can make losing additional weight difficult to achieve. Enhancing your current workout plan to include more intensive or frequent exercise such as strength or resistance training to increase the number of calories you burn.

Stay Active

Frequent exercise is important, however, research shows that non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), such as fidgeting while seated or standing, can increase your metabolic rate up to 94%.

Track Calorie Intake

Reports show on average, people consume about twice the amount of calories than the amount estimated. By tracking your calorie and macronutrient (protein, fat, and carbs) intake, you will have a more accurate idea of what your body is consuming, which will allow you to modify your diet as needed.

Eat More Fiber

Fiber slows down food as it moves through the digestive tract, reducing the amount of calories your body absorbs. Research shows that all types of fiber can help with weight loss, however, soluble fiber is the most effective fiber form for maintaining a satisfied appetite.

Eat More Protein

Increasing your protein intake can burn twice as many calories as fat or carbs or can. A high-protein diet affects the production of hormones, which helps reduce hunger and maintain a full feeling.

Low-Carb Diet

Adapting a low-carb diet can be effective in boosting your metabolism. Replace your carbs with vegetables to reduce hunger and allow your body to feel full after eating well-balanced meals.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for reducing your food intake and achieving long-term weight loss.  While plain water is preferred, caffeine beverages like coffee and tea can burn fat and boost your metabolic rate. Drinking at least 1-1.5 liters of water daily, particularly while eating, will move food through your stomach faster, helping you feel full sooner.

Try to avoid alcohol and sugary drinks, as they are typically a leading factor in weight gain.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Ensuring at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night will help curb cravings.

Personalized Support

If you’re experiencing a weight plateau after your weight-loss surgery, you’re not alone! Our experts at Wellstar specialize in personalized support before, during, and after your procedure. Contact us today for advice and tips to get you back on track with your weight-loss journey!

What is Da Vinci Weight Loss Surgery? Understanding the Procedure

What is Da Vinci Weight Loss Surgery? Understanding the Procedure

Bariatric surgery procedures can be an important part of an ongoing weight-loss journey. These surgeries come with many benefits in addition to supporting weight loss, including promoting improvements in cardiovascular health, blood sugar, energy levels, quality of life, and longevity. Traditional weight loss surgery involves large incisions and long recovery times. Da Vinci weight loss surgery is a newer alternative that is less invasive and can streamline the recovery process.

What is Da Vinci Weight Loss Surgery?

Da Vinci procedures are an example of robotic bariatric surgeries. These procedures are completed with the assistance of a surgical robot called the da Vinci Robotic System. The robot does not perform the surgeries itself. A bariatric surgeon uses the robot as a tool to assist in the operation.

The surgeon will make small incisions in the abdomen, through which the da Vinci Robotic System can be inserted. The robot’s four arms act as surgical instruments that can be manipulated by the surgeon through the robot’s console. The surgeon uses the console to guide the robot, and the da Vinci system translates these hand movements into surgical movements in the abdomen.

The robot has a greater range of motion than a human hand, allowing more precise movements to be made. The system also includes a camera that can be controlled through the console, providing the surgical team with improved visualization of the field with high definition, 3D views. The surgeon is able to see the surgical field through a magnification that is ten times greater than what the human eye could see on its own.

Benefits of Robotic Bariatric Surgeries

Da Vinci surgeries carry several benefits in comparison to traditional weight loss surgery procedures. Robotic bariatric surgeries not only allow surgeons to perform with greater precision, improved flexibility, and higher-quality imaging, but commonly lead to improved outcomes for patients. The benefits of these procedures include:

  • Shorter recovery times
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Reduced complication rates
  • Decreased pain and scarring
  • Reduced incidence of gastrointestinal leaks
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Quicker procedures

Comprehensive Bariatric Care with Wellstar Bariatrics

Wellstar Bariatrics offers comprehensive support for every patient throughout each step of their weight loss journey. From in-depth consultations to personalized follow-up care, the surgical team at Wellstar Bariatrics is committed to supporting each patient’s unique needs. Wellstar Bariatrics offers several minimally invasive robotic bariatric surgeries, including laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, duodenal switch, and sleeve gastrectomy procedures.

Reach out today to find out more about our minimally invasive procedures and which one might be right for you.

Our Locations

Dr. Menachery Practice

1700 Hospital South Drive
Suite 202
Austell, GA 30106
(770) 944-7818

4441 Atlanta Road SE
Suite 312
Smyrna, GA 30080
(470) 956-4200

Dr. Jean-Pierre Practice

55 Whitcher Street
Suite 410
Marietta, GA 30060
(770) 919-7050

Dr. Major Practice

1600 Vernon Road
Suite A
LaGrange, GA 30240

106 Lukken Industrial Drive W
LaGrange, GA 30240
(706) 880-7450