Vitamin & Supplement Regimens After Bariatric Surgery
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Vitamin & Supplement Regimens After Bariatric Surgery

Vitamin & Supplement Regimens After Bariatric Surgery

If you’re considering some form of bariatric surgery, then you may have questions about vitamins and supplements. Some surgical procedures will require supplementation after surgery, as your body adjusts to its new normal. Some procedures, like gastric banding, only require a daily multivitamin. However, other malabsorptive surgeries may require long-term use of supplements. Before moving forward with your decision, follow this guide to vitamin and supplement regimens after bariatric surgery. 

Common Nutrient Deficiencies

Bariatric surgery changes multiple facets of your digestion. Some surgeries can even alter how your body absorbs nutrients. These changes often require extensive supplements after bariatric surgery. Some of the changes your body can experience are common nutrient deficiencies of Iron, B12, Calcium, and Vitamin D. 

These four nutrients are incredibly important and can lead to long-term health problems if not properly managed. A lack of iron and B12 can increase your risk for anemia and even lead to some neurological issues. Long-term deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D can result in bone and kidney disease.  You may experience these deficiencies depending on the bariatric solution you choose. There are malabsorptive procedures and non-malabsorptive procedures–each with different vitamin and supplement regimens. 

Malabsorptive Procedures

Some procedures, like gastric bypass, are malabsorptive. This means that they alter the way that nutrients are absorbed by your body. For these procedures, more extensive supplement regimens are necessary. You’ll likely take several supplements with each meal to help your body receive the nutrients it needs. Additionally, your doctor will frequently check your nutrient levels to keep you healthy. 

Non-Malabsorptive Procedures

There are also non-malabsorptive procedures, like gastric banding. Non-malabsorptive procedures don’t alter how the body absorbs nutrients; instead, it only alters the capacity of the stomach. For these procedures, you’ll likely only need a daily multivitamin to sustain proper nutrient levels. 

There are many considerations beyond vitamins and supplements for bariatric surgery. To make the best selection for your health, rely on the team at Wellstar Bariatrics. You can find more information and start your weight-loss journey by contacting us today. 

Start Your Transformation Today!

Start your journey to lasting weight loss today! Book a Consultation to learn about Gastric Bypass Surgery and how we can support your goals.