Setting Achievable Weight-Loss Goals For The New Year
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Setting Achievable Weight-Loss Goals For The New Year

Setting Achievable Weight-Loss Goals For The New Year

Each January, many individuals participate in the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common resolutions is to lose weight in the new year. In fact, one study found that weight loss was not only the most popular resolution of 2021, but also the resolution most likely to be abandoned. 

If you’ve set aside your goals for the new year, don’t worry. You can start a new one any time or pick up an old one. The key to being successful here is to make you’re your goals are realistic. Setting realistic weight-loss goals is the best way to make sure you stick to it. 

Setting SMART Weight Loss Goals

New Year’s resolutions are much more likely to last into February and beyond when they are carefully planned out. SMART weight-loss goal guidelines are designed to help you create objectives for the new year that work for your individual lifestyle. When you set weight-loss goals, follow the acronym SMART:


Instead of making a general resolution about losing weight, try to be specific. Examples of details to include when setting realistic weight loss goals are choosing a specific exercise method and organizing recipes for a healthy meal plan.


Before you begin, decide how you will monitor your progress along the way. Choose a measurement method, whether that means weighing yourself weekly or tracking improvements in your fitness level.


To make sure you don’t lose motivation, set realistic weight loss goals that are achievable based on your fitness level, timeframe, and available resources

For instance, the CDC recommends 150 minutes of physical activity every week for every adult. There’s also a national guideline for healthy eating, which is approachable for most people. 


Setting meaningful weight-loss goals makes it more likely that you’ll see them through. Relate your goals to changes you want to see in your own life, such as being able to go on a hiking trip with friends or getting healthier overall for your family. 


Choosing a timeframe for meeting your SMART weight-loss goals can help motivate you to accomplish them. Instead of creating one goal to complete by December 31st, come up with several smaller goals spread throughout the year.

Tips for Meeting Weight Loss Goals

Even if you spend a lot of time setting realistic weight loss goals, it’s common to feel a loss of motivation along the way. Here are some tips for overcoming this and maintaining progress on your weight-loss journey:

Build a Community of Support

Share your weight-loss goals with friends and family members who can help you feel supported and stay accountable when you get discouraged. 

Be Patient With Yourself

Keep in mind that you won’t see results overnight. Don’t give up if you’re not seeing changes right away, and remember that continuous hard work and patience is the key to meeting your weight loss goals. 

Consult with Your Providers

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare providers if you have questions about setting realistic weight loss goals or if you run into any issues throughout the process of meeting them. 

The team at Wellstar Bariatrics is here to support you and help you make healthy lifestyle changes that get you closer to achieving your goals. Reach out today to get in touch. 

Start Your Transformation Today!

Start your journey to lasting weight loss today! Book a Consultation to learn about Gastric Bypass Surgery and how we can support your goals.