Gastric Bypass Surgery vs. Gastric Sleeve
Obesity has become a major issue in America, with an estimation of over 160 million overweight Americans. While many people try, or have tried, to lose weight, traditional methods of diet and exercise don’t always work for everyone. For those who reach the qualifications, bariatric surgery is a common option. Not only does bariatric surgery assist with weight loss, but it can also help resolve conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and more, leading to stark improvements in general health.
Two of the most common types of bariatric surgery are the gastric sleeve surgery and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. While both options can help you kickstart your weight-loss journey, one procedure may be the better choice for you.
Gastric Bypass Surgery vs. Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Both gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery reduce the size of your stomach into a small pouch, restricting the amount of food you can consume. Your production of the hunger hormone (ghrelin) is also reduced, helping you control your feelings of hunger.
During the gastric sleeve procedure, the surgeon will permanently remove 80% of your stomach, leaving behind a banana-shaped “sleeve.” Depending on how you’re feeling after surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days until you can keep fluids down. Typically, gastric sleeve patients will need to wait longer to see weight-loss results post-surgery.
During gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon will remove most of the stomach and a section of the small intestine. The remaining small stomach pouch will then be attached further down the small intestine. The stomach still provides the necessary digestive enzymes and acid, and bypassing some of the small intestine means fewer calories are absorbed. Weight loss can happen dramatically through the next few months following the procedure. After this procedure, it is normal to stay in the hospital for at least two days, or until you are recovered enough to return home.
Qualifications for Bariatric Surgery
For your overall health and safety, there are qualifications you must meet before applying for any type of bariatric surgery. If you meet these criteria, you may qualify for bariatric surgery:
- A BMI over 40
- A BMI over 35 with one or more obesity related comorbidities, like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure
Not sure which surgery is the right choice for you? Wellstar Georgia can help. Our team of experts will help you consider your weight-loss goals, current health, and nutritional needs to determine which weight-loss surgery is the best option for you. Learn more on our website, or contact our team today!