How Long After Gastric Sleeve Can I Have Sex: What to Expect?
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Can You Have Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Can You Have Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Some societies consider sex a taboo subject, but it is important to consider how long to wait after gastric sleeve to have sex. If you don’t have this discussion, you risk compromising the effectiveness of the treatment. While one of the more appreciated aspects of gastric sleeve surgery is an enhanced sex life, it may not be possible immediately after surgery. Let’s discuss this often-avoided subject and how it affects your recovery following surgery.

Coincidence, Compliments, and Sex!

The body is often the focal point of sexual interactions, enhancing the insecurities of obesity or being overweight. This can affect your sex life, as confidence plays a crucial role in determining activeness. A person who is in shape receives more compliments and feels more confident, resulting in a more active sex life.

Research shows that weight loss enhances physical attributes that make a person more attractive. In addition, patients who undergo these procedures experience higher libido and intensified feelings.

However, a downside to sex after gastric sleeve is hormonal imbalance because of rapid weight loss. This can cause mood changes, causing your sex drive to increase one minute and decrease the next moment. It is advisable to schedule routine checkups with your doctor to ensure you address issues early and enhance the quality of the treatment.

How Long Should I Wait to Have Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Most people often wonder how long they should wait after gastric sleeve to have sex. If this is the case, surgeons typically recommend waiting between two and four weeks. While the wait time is typical, it can vary from one person to another. Expect less intense sex during the first few weeks, but it will improve with time.

A Healthy Relationship After Weight Loss Surgery

Most people who undergo weight loss surgery experience changes in their relationships. Recent data shows that couples where one partner has undergone weight loss surgery are more likely to separate. Counseling can help overcome dysfunctional communication and build a strong partnership while you adapt to your new body and lifestyle.

Gastric sleeve surgery comes with many challenges, but an active sex life should not be one of them. Give yourself time to recover, but if you struggle with intimacy with your partner, mention this at your next follow-up appointment. The conversation about sex is not taboo in our office. Contact us at Wellstar and schedule a consultation. We provide gastric sleeve in Cobb County, improving all the aspects of your life positively.

Start Your Transformation Today!

Start your journey to lasting weight loss today! Book a Consultation to learn about Gastric Bypass Surgery and how we can support your goals.